The world of banking is changing dramatically as a result of regulation,
technology and society. New developments in the past three years include
advances in regulatory change, the impact of China and India; from the
latest technologies to impact bank services, to the latest experiments
with a cashless society.
The Future of Banking in a Globalised World provides an entertaining
yet informative look at the world of banking and chronicles the radical
changes that have occurred in the industry over the past three years.
Renowned analyst and international speaker, Chris Skinner assesses the
trends that have occurred during the past three years and looks at
predictions for the future of banking.
Issues discussed include:
- The impact of emerging markets such as China and India
- Regulatory changes including Europe's Financial Services Action Plan,
MiFID, SEPA, as well as the impact of Basel II and Sarbanes-Oxley
- The latest technologies to impact Bank services from algorithmic
trading through Web 2.0
- The displacement of Cash and Cards through Contactless, Mobile and
Biometric Payments