Tlaxcala is the smallest state of Mexico, it has 4 060.93 square
kilometers, it is divide in 60 municipalities. In 2015 year there were
living 1 272 847 persons; of the total, 334 356 are young persons that
represent approximately 26 % of the population; the social interaction
increases every day, which includes acts of violence and delinquency.
Youth persons face challenges to settle their material aspirations, 2015
year is a specific moment to analyze the problematics of the violence
and delinquency practiced by young persons. As per results, authors
found that young men incur in major acts of violence, while women are
victims of diverse forms of aggression. The journalistic information
that sustains the analysis of the topic indicates that in the context of
Tlaxcala's life diverse social dynamics are generated, it is recognized
that the socioeconomic, demographic, political and cultural problems,
between others, they influence the conducts of their citizens, and that
the governments must correct with efficiency these expressions of social
decomposition before they become more complicated.