America's #1 Do-It-Yourself Foreclosure Prevention Resource! Across the
nation, foreclosures are on the rise due to designer mortgages, rising
debt ratios, & depressed housing markets. Most homeowners have no idea
where to find basic, credible, & instructional information about the
foreclosure process, or what to do when facing the time crunch before an
auction. The Foreclosure Workbook is a revolutionary system that
provides an unprecedented approach to foreclosure avoidance, protection,
& survival. This workbook presents a proven step-by-step process that
guides the homeowner through the hurdles of foreclosure, & presents
critical information about state procedures, foreclosure protection
legislation, con artists, options, & much more! This is the one-stop
resource that homeowners need with easy to understand facts & processes
for how to maneuver through the onslaught of mail they receive, fight
off foreclosure scams, & organize & prepare a plan for saving their home
& credit.