ROBERT R. MCCRAE* & JuRI ALLIK** *Nationallnstitute on Aging,
**University of Tartu, Estonia Personality psychology has become an
international enterprise. To take an example at random, the eight
personality articles in the December, 2001, issue of the Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology included contributions from the United
States, Canada, Germany, Finland, and Israel. For the most part,
international personality research is not cross-cultural; it is simply
personality research conducted in different countries. The implicit
assumption behind this practice is that personality processes are
universal, and where they are studied is thus of no consequence. An
insensitivity to cul- tural context once imputed mostly to Americans now
appears to characterize the field worldwide. Fortunately, recent years
have also seen a rise of interest in studies of personality and culture
(Church, 2001; Church & Lonner, 1998; Lee, McCauley, & Draguns, 1999;
McCrae, 2000). What do these new studies show? Are personality processes
indeed universal, or are there significant variations across cultures
that necessitate a more nuanced approach to research? There is as yet no
definitive answer to that question. In some respects, human personality
does seem to transcend the boundaries of language and culture; in other
respects, it is profoundly influenced by social and historical forces.
Sorting these issues out must be a priority for our field if we are to
understand the current personality literature.