THE FEDERALIST PAPERS Read the latest edition of an American classic:
The Federalist Papers. Including all 85 original articles arguing on
behalf of the United States Constitution, The Federalist Papers is a
"must read" for any history buff, anyone interested in political
science, and for those interested in issues relating to individual vs.
governmental rights. Famous authors include: Alexander Hamilton, James
Madison and John Jay. Though first published in the 1700's, the timeless
Federalist Papers remain a true philosophical gem even today. THE
ANTI-FEDERALIST PAPERS Experience history come alive as you read the
powerful political debates concerning the birth of the United States
Constitution in the "The Anti-Federalist Papers", a compilation of
articles by the passionate nay-sayers of centralized government.
Including famous Anti-Federalist authors such as Patrick Henry, "Cato",
and "Brutus", the political forum herein presented captures not only the
ambiance of the 1700's, but these classic debates concerning individual
rights and freedom are relevant to us still today.