The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL is a refereed
academic publication which disseminates information, knowledge and
expertise in the broad area of Applied Linguistics. Strong preference is
given to contributions relating to second language acquisition, EFL/ESL
pedagogy, English language teacher training and classroom innovation.
This number includes ten articles presenting the latest research and
scholarship from Belgium, Australia, Iran, Jordan, Japan, UK, China,
Macau and Thailand and covers important topics in the field,
including: - native speakerism in the ELT classroom - learner drawings
as connected with writing - willingness to communicate in English and
perfectionism - the use of weak forms - validation of the C-test -
teacher classroom anxiety - needs analysis in ESP curriculum
development - developing a sustainable EGAP course - genre-based
remedial suggestions for writing MA TESOL dissertations - blended
learning, TESOL teacher preparation and quality assessment