This is a coordinated presentation of the economic basis of
revolutionary change in 16th- and early-17th century England, addressing
a crucial but neglected phase of historical development. It traces a
transformation in the agrarian economy and substantiates the decisive
scale on which this took place, showing how the new forms of occupation
and practice on the land related to seminal changes in the general
dynamics of commercial activity. An integrated, self-regulating national
market generated new imperatives, particularly a demand for a right of
freedom of trade from arbitrary exactions and restraints. This took
political force through the special status that rights of consent had
acquired in England, based on the rise of sovereign representative law
following the Break with Rome. These associations were reflected in a
distinctive merchant-gentry alliance, seeking to establish freedom of
trade and representative control of public finance, through parliament.
This produced a persistent challenge to royal prerogatives such as
impositions from 1610 onwards. Parliamentary provision, especially
legislation, came to be seen as essential to good government. These
ambitions led to the first revolutionary measures of the Long Parliament
in early 1641, establishing automatic parliaments and the normative
force of freedom of trade.