Earth From Space: A Visual Tour is a book with a collection of over
180 gorgeous images compiled from instrument data of NASA and their
world-class collaborators. Some of these instruments are sensitive to
the visual range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other instruments
record other wavelengths such as ultraviolet and infrared. Colors are
assigned to portions of data to make images that portray our Earth with
visual imagery. Details of the Earth from above show forest fires,
floods, hurricanes, parks, cloud formations, the great cities of the
world, sleepy backwaters, reefs, oceans, glaciers, snow capped
mountains, archaeological sites, and transportation highways.
Our understanding is transformed as we can truly see events like algae
blooms, carbon emissions, crop health, volcanic eruptions, and more. The
images in this book are beautiful and genuinely artful. Images of Earth
from space are shaping our current ideas, beliefs, and perspectives and
pointing the way to our future.