In Canto XVIII of Paradiso, Dante sees thirty-five letters of
Scripture - LOVE JUSTICE, YOU WHO RULE THE EARTH - 'painted' one after
the other in the sky. It is an epiphany that encapsulates the Paradiso,
staging its ultimate goal - the divine vision. This book offers a fresh,
intensive reading of this extraordinary passage at the heart of the
third canticle of the Divine Comedy. While adapting in novel ways the
methods of the traditional lectura Dantis, William Franke meditates
independently on the philosophical, theological, political, ethical, and
aesthetic ideas that Dante's text so provocatively projects into a
multiplicity of disciplinary contexts. This book demands that we
question not only what Dante may have meant by his representations, but
also what they mean for us today in the broad horizon of our
intellectual traditions and cultural heritage.