The third and final volume in a trilogy of prayer manuals compiled by
Publishers Weekly religion editor Phyllis Tickle as a contemporary
Book of Hours to guide Christians gently yet authoritatively through the
daily offices.
The Divine Hours is the first major literary and liturgical reworking
of the sixth-century Benedictine Rule of fixed-hour prayer. This
beautifully conceived and thoroughly modern three-volume guide will
appeal to the theological novice as well as to the ecclesiastical
sophisticate. Making primary use of the Book of Common Prayer and the
writings of the Church Fathers, The Divine Hours is also a companion
to the New Jerusalem Bible, from which it draws its Scripture readings.
The trilogy blends prayer and praise in a way that, while
extraordinarily fresh, respects and builds upon the ancient wisdom of
The third and final book in the set, Prayers for Springtime, provides
prayers, psalms, and readings for this season associated with rebirth.
Compact, it is perfect for those seeking greater spiritual depth. As a
contemporary Book of Hours, *The Divine Hours: Prayers for Springtime *
heralds a renewal of the tradition of disciplined daily prayer, and
gives those already using the first two volumes the completion they are
seeking. With this volume, the series culminates with three prayer
manuals encompassing the liturgical and calendar year with the offices
for every day.