Introduced by Naomi Mitchison. Set over two thousand years ago on the
calm and fertile shores of the Black Sea, Naomi Mitchison's The Corn
King and the Spring Queen tells of ancient civilisations where
tenderness, beauty and love vie with brutality and dark magic. Erif Der,
a young witch, is compelled by her father to marry his powerful rival,
Tarrik the Corn King, so becoming the Spring Queen. Forced by her
father, she uses her magic spells to try and break Tarrik's power. But
one night Tarrik rescues Sphaeros, an Hellenic philosopher, from a
shipwreck. Sphaeros in turn rescues Tarrik from near death and so breaks
the enchantment that has bound him. And so begins for Tarrik a Quest - a
fabulous voyage of discovery which will bring him new knowledge and
which will reunite him with his beautiful Spring Queen.