Instead of being merely the receiver of the parents' psychological and
spiritual legacy, children function as ushers of the parents'
development. Parents unwittingly pass on an inheritance of psychological
pain and emotional shallowness. To handle the behavior that results,
traditional books on parenting abound with clever techniques for control
and quick fixes for dysfunction. In Dr. Shefali Tsabary's conscious
approach to parenting, however, children serve as mirrors of their
parents' forgotten self. Those willing to look in the mirror have an
opportunity to establish a relationship with their own inner state of
wholeness. Once they find their way back to their essence, parents enter
into communion with their children, shifting away from the traditional
parent-to-child know it all approach and more towards a mutual
parent-with-child relationship. The pillars of the parental ego crumble
as the parents awaken to the ability of their children to transport them
into a state of presence.