This wide-ranging book begins with the state ofEurope before the war
then embarks on four majorchapters chronicling the war a year at a time.
Majorbattles are interspersed with spreads detailing theweapons and
tactics used. A final chapter looks atthe aftermath of war and the newly
emergingEuropean states. All aspects of the conflict arecovered, from
common illnesses through to the useof propaganda and atrocities on all
sides. Key factboxes delve into the lives of the political leaders,
generals and fighters, and also discuss the politicalmovements which
flourished.The story of World War I is told in an accessiblestyle,
supplemented with more than 500photographs, maps and battle plans,
making this theperfect book for both general and specialist readers. - A
description of every major battle on land and atsea detailing military
strategy, successes and failuresillustrated with campaign maps and
battle plans - Covers the most successful weapons of war
fromdreadnoughts and anti-aircraft guns to U-boats andheavy field
artillery, with specification boxesproviding key technical details on
each weapon - Focuses on the military figures who shaped thecourse of
the war from Generals Douglas Haig andAlexei Brusinov to Paul von
Hindenberg and onpolitical leaders such as David Lloyd George,
KaiserWilhelm II and President Woodrow Wilson - A highly readable
popular history of the militaryand political events of World War One,
illustratedwith more than 500 photographs, maps and plans