Hardly anything in psychology is as irking as the trait concept.
Psychologists and laypersons alike use primarily adjective trait-names
to characterize and even concep- tualize the individuals they encounter.
There are more than a hundred well-defined personality traits and a
great many questionnaires for their assessment, some of which are
designed to assess the same or very similar traits. Little is known
about their ontogenetic development and even less about their underlying
dynamics. Psy- choanalytic theory was invoked for explaining the
psychodynamics underlying a few personality traits without, however,
presenting sufficient empirical evidence for the validity of these
interpretations. In a reductionistic vein, behaviorally inclined psy-
chologists have propounded the thesis that all traits are acquired
behaviors. Yet, this view neither reduces the number of personality
tests nor explains the resistance of traits to modification by means of
reward and punishment. Dissatisfied with these and some other less
well-known approaches to person- ality traits, we decided to explore
whether applying our psychosemantic theory of cognition to the trait
concept would do better. The way we had to follow was anything but easy.