The abbey of St Mary Graces in East Smithfield, London, was excavated in
1983-8 as part of the Royal Mint site. Founded in 1350 by Edward III and
suppressed in 1539, it was the only new Cistercian house in the 14th
century and the last founded in England before the Dissolution. It was
also the only Cistercian abbey established in an urban setting and was
built in the immediate aftermath of the Black Death of 1348-50 on the
site of one of two emergency burial grounds created in London to cope
with that epidemic. The excavations recorded approximately
three-quarters of the abbey ground plan. Elements of the church were
uncovered, including much of the presbytery, part of the nave and
several chapels, together with 131 burials of both laity and
ecclesiastics. Also recorded were parts of the chapter house, cloisters,
refectory, infirmary and kitchen, as well as two external cemeteries.
While the ground plan included elements that are paralleled in earlier
Cistercian houses, overall, the abbey's layout was far closer to that of
contemporary 14th-century houses, particularly those of the friars. The
work reported here represents the large-scale excavation and
post-excavation analysis of a singular, relatively short-lived, later
medieval Cistercian house and is of considerable importance to medieval
archaeology and specifically to Cistercian studies.