The Cigar Companion is the perfect study-side guide to unlocking the
delicate intricacies and delicious undertones of handmade
cigars--including the history of cigars, a buyer's guide, and profiles
of 70 current top brands of quality cigars complemented by full-color
Much more sophisticated than their slimmer, machine-made counterparts, a
good cigar offers a certain levity and celebration. Often compared with
fine wine, the way that good cigar products are made and the
quality of the ingredients are reflected in the flavor of the final
product. The rich history of enjoying cigars has seen many changes,
yet hand rolling remains a valued practice among cigar
aficionados--there are just some things that machines cannot copy. The
time-treasured practice of harvesting, drying, and curing the
leaveshas a deep traditional background and has shown innovative
developments that offer new experiences to cigar smokers. There are
many different ways to make cigars, and even more ways to discern its
quality once it is in the hands of the consumer.
If you're curious about any aspect of cigar culture, The Cigar
Companion covers:
- The origin story of cigars
- A cigar directory of fan favorites
- Best practices for buying cigars
- Storage techniques for maximum preservation
- Directory of reputable cigar merchants to get you started
A comprehensive directory of every brand of cigar, this book lists all
the major brands, such as Havana and Dominican, as well as many
lesser-known brands. Information on origin, smoking qualities,
flavor and aroma, and buying and storing fine cigars is
included. Consider The Cigar Companion your invitation into the
fascinating world of cigars.