The Church Musician, Level 2 expands on major concepts and skills taught
at Level One. A position-based approach using the Keys of C Major, G
Major, F Major, D Major, and A Major is presented in a fresh, musically
appealing way using familiar and new sacred music. Students are
introduced to all notes of the Grand Staff up to high A, I, IV, and V
chords with inversions, eighth notes, transposition, and technic
exercises. Musicianship is built through the use of dynamics, coloristic
experimentation with the pedal, and motivating and exciting pieces.
Titles: Jesus Lover of My Soul * Oh, How I Love Jesus * Jesus Saves *
Near to the Heart of God * More Love to Thee * I Love Thy Kingdom,
Lord * Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow * Stand Up, Stand Up
for Jesus * All Hail the Power * Wonderful Words of Life * Almost
Persuaded * Jesus Shall Reign * Take Time to be Holy * Over the River
and Through the Woods * Joy to the World, along with scale and chord
exercises, and technic studies.