This antiquarian volume comprises a comprehensive guide to the
fundamentals of preparing duck for the marketplace, containing
information on eggs, feathers, manure, killing, and other aspects of
market preparation. Complete with simple, clear instructions and a
wealth of valuable and practical hints and tips, this timeless text
constitutes a must-read for those with little experience in keeping
ducks for commercial gain. The chapters of this book include:
'Marketing', 'Wax Method of Plucking', 'Marketing Duck Eggs', 'Selling
Duck Feathers', 'Duck Manure', 'Marketing of Duck Eggs', 'Local
Markets', 'Acorns', 'Packed Eggs', 'Storing Eggs', 'Passenger Train
Rates', 'Goods Train', 'Returned Empties', 'Cleaning Duck Eggs',
etcetera. We are proud to republish this antique book, now complete with
a new introduction on poultry farming.