"Intriguing...engaging...an illicit delight"
--Stephanie Laurens
"Liz Carlyle weaves passion and intrigue with a master's touch."
--Karen Robards
Beneath the elegant façade of Victorian high society, the rules of
danger and desire are the only rules that apply for the mysterious men
of the St James Society. New York Times bestseller Liz Carlyle carries
readers deep into this realm of intrigue and passion once more in her
breathtaking historical romance sizzler, The Bride Wore Pearls. The
third book in her sexy, compelling, action-packed series, The Bride
Wore Pearls is a scorching story of a very proper lady who flees her
home in a far corner of the British Empire, entrusting her safety and
her heart to a dangerous outlaw in Victorian London. Amanda Quick and
Gaelen Foley fans will most certainly be enthralled.