From the best-selling author of A More Beautiful Question, hundreds of
big and small questions that harness the magic of inquiry to tackle
challenges we all face - at work, in our relationships and beyond.
When confronted with almost any demanding situation, the act of
questioning can help guide us to smart decisions. By asking questions,
we can analyse, learn and move forward in the face of uncertainty. But
'questionologist' Warren Berger says that the questions must be the
right ones - the ones that cut to the heart of complexity or enable us
to see an old problem in a fresh way.
In The Book of Beautiful Questions, Berger shares illuminating stories
and compelling research on the power of inquiry. Drawn from the insights
and expertise of psychologists, innovators, effective leaders and some
of the world's foremost creative thinkers, he presents the essential
questions readers need to make the best choices when it truly counts,
with a particular focus in four key areas: decision-making, creativity,
leadership and relationships.
The powerful questions in this book can help you:
- Identify opportunities in your career or industry
- Generate fresh ideas in business or in your own creative pursuits
- Check your biases so you can make better judgments and decisions
- Do a better job of communicating and connecting with the people around
Thoughtful, provocative and actionable, these beautiful questions can be
applied immediately to bring about change in your work or your everyday