The Blue Light is an autobiographical novel in chapters and
vignettes that travels through memory, time, and language.
Hussein Bargouthi tells his story with Bari, a Turkish American Sufi,
during Bargouthi's years as a graduate student at the University of
Washington in the late 1980s. The Blue Light has several beginnings
and many returns--from Beirut's traumatic sea to musings on color and
identity, from Buddhist paths to Rajneesh disciples, from military rule
to colonial insanity, from drug addiction to sacred rock. Written and
lived between Arabic and English, this is a unique book whose depth is
as clear as its surface. It will tempt you to dismiss it as it compels
you to devour it for illumination. Merging memoir with fiction, and the
hallowed with the profane, The Blue Light is a meditation on and
liberation from madness--a brilliant, inimitable literary achievement.