This volume contains a comprehensive treatise on bee-keeping, including
detailed information on the theory and practice of bee culture in all
its departments. Comprising an encyclopedic amount of information on
every aspect of bee-keeping, as well as being profusely illustrated,
this text constitutes a must-have for the serious bee-keeper. It is not
to be missed by the discerning collector of antiquarian literature. The
chapters of this book include: 'Experience in Bee-Keeping';
'Introduction of the Honey Bee to California'; 'The Honey Bee:
Classification, Physiology and Characteristics'; 'Diseased'; 'Enemies';
'Taming Bees'; 'Hives'; 'Choice of Stock'; 'Pasturage'; 'The Apiary';
'Honey'; 'Pollen, Or Bee-Bread'; etcetera. We are proud to republish
this vintage text, now complete with a new and specially commissioned
introduction on bee-keeping.