The contents of this book represent a series of experiments in
dramatizing Bion's A Memoir of the Future, the primary one being an
unfinished film begun in India in the 1980s and directed by Kumar
Shahani, 'epic' artfilm maker, most of whose films have been produced in
Hindi. The film was inspired and initiated by Bombay psychoanalyst
Udayan Patel, and sponsored by the Roland Harris Educational Trust. The
cast of actors included Jalal Agha, Tom Alter, Robert Burbage, Nicholas
Clay, Neil Cunningham, Carol Drinkwater, Peter Firth, Nigel Hawthorne,
Shona Morris, Jonathan Page (as a child), Angela Pleasence, Juliet
Reynolds, and Alaknanda Samarth.The filmscript and a commentary are here
included, together with a narrative poem written for Alaknanda Samarth
who played the Ayah of Bion's childhood, and a playscript written for
Tom Alter who played the Father. The play is due to be first performed
in Bombay and Delhi in February 2016.An appendix reprints a
psychoanalytic study of the Memoir by Donald Meltzer, who was closely
involved in the production of the original film.The book is illustrated
by screenshots from the film and the ebook contains video extracts.