Only after we have exhausted the entirety of Apocalyptic uses of each of
these symbols, may we look to unrelated scripture for supporting terms
and characteristics attached to the symbol being scrutinized. By this
method the Bible offers us some very clear explanations and
interpretations for the beast symbol and those symbols that are attached
to it. Because much of the symbolic prophecy we are investigating has
already been fulfilled in history, we can confirm our understanding with
this further check. If none of our prophecy has been fulfilled, and we
do not have an explicit clarification of the subject apocalyptic symbol
anywhere in the Bible, then all we have is speculation. This exposition
is short and sweet, as there is no need for an abundance of superfluous
facts of truth regularly included by prophecy pundits, merely comprised
to impress, prop up and at the same time obscure some bold speculations,
which if stood alone would be clearly seen for what they are. I have no
interest in speculation from past or present prophecy expositors, but
seek to draw my final understanding only from the Bible. I have here
endeavored to examine every apocalyptic use of the beast symbol and
those symbols attached or related to them, then draw my conclusions from
scripture alone. I hope and pray that sharing this journey here, will be
as enlightening and clarifying for you, dear reader, as it has been for