One of the problems that confronts all woodturners is how to turn a
spiral. In this new book, Bill Bowers provides the answer. Richly
illustrated and explained in simple terms, the book gives the novice as
well as the expert all necessary information to fashion gallery-quality
spiral-turned works of art. Innovative applications of stains and shapes
are demonstrated on plates, platters, and bowls. Multiple tips turning
delicate spirals as well as hand-threaded chasing are included. Various
combinations and permutations of techniques are applied to standard
turnings to make unique artistic pieces. These exquisite, turned pieces
are utilitarian, except for one, and extremely beautiful. The gallery
provides ideas for the turner's own creative endeavors. This
well-illustrated book truly offers the basics of turning spirals and
should be on the bookshelf of every woodworker, carver, and turner.