During 1993 the remains of a well-preserved boat, displaying many
characteristics typical of Romano-Celtic boats, was excavated at
Barland's Farm in the Gwent Levels on the northern shore of the Severn
Estuary. This volume reports on the results of the excavation and survey
which also revealed a stone and timber structure associated with the
boat and a palaeochannel. Specialist sections examine the environmental
data gathered from the site and boat and report on the finds which
included Roman pottery, footwear and animal bone. Each section of the
boat itself is described and discussed in detail before conclusions are
drawn about the construction of the boat in the 4th century and what it
reveals about boatbuilding in Roman Britain as well sealevels and
seafaring in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary during the Roman
period. Includes a glossary and catalogue of timbers. Welsh summary.