Work related stress represents a huge cost for worker health and
-productivity and is broadly regarded as an important social
-determinant of global health. The Australian Workplace Barometer (AWB)
project was developed in order to provide national benchmarks needed to
develop best practice standards in the area of worker psychological
health and wellbeing. The results as published in this book: - Provide
nationally representative data on psychosocial risk levels and working
conditions. - Build upon existing knowledge and understanding of
-psychosocial risk factors such as bullying and harassment, and
work-family-conflict. - Investigate relationships between psychosocial
risk and -workplace outcomes such as employee health and productivity. -
Determine the cost of poor employee wellbeing to businesses based on
aspects such as depression, absenteeism. and -presenteeism. - Identify
industries and occupations at risk. - Provide evidence to support
strategies for prevention and -intervention. This book provides a step
towards social action and work -environments that will stimulate problem
solving, creativity and -innovation at work rather than despair through
compromised health and wellbeing.