This book was written for three classes of readers - for horse-owners,
for established farriers, and for veterinary students who have to be
examined. Although an antique text, much of the information contained
herein is of timeless value and will be of much use to modern readers
with an interest, either academic or practical, in the subject matter.
The chapters contained within this book include: 'Form and Action of the
Foot', 'Preparation of Hoof for Shoeing', 'The Form and Manufacture of
Shoes', 'Selection of a Shoe', 'Fitting and Application of Shoes', 'On
Roughing', 'Injuries Resulting from Shoeing', 'Shoeing Bad Feet',
'Leather and Rubber Pads', etcetera. Originally published in 1895, we
are proud to republish this antiquarian text now complete with a new
introduction on the subject.