In The 20/20 Diet, Dr. Phil McGraw identifies seven reasons other diets
fail people over and over again: hunger, cravings, feeling of
restriction, impracticality and expense, boredom, temptations, and
disappointing results or plateaus. Then, he addresses each of these
roadblocks by applying the latest research and theories that have
emerged since his last best seller on the same topic, The Ultimate
Weight Solution. Dr. Phil and his team have created a plan that you can
start following right now and continue working for the rest of your
life. In this diet, readers will start by eating only 20 key
ingredients, called the "20/20 Foods," which theories indicate may help
enhance your body's thermogenesis and help you feel full. But that's
just the beginning. This book explains why you haven't been able to lose
the weight before, and empowers you with cognitive, behavioral,
environmental, social and nutritional tools so you can finally reach your
goal, and learn lifelong healthy habits to maintain those results.