This unique book serves as both text and practical reference for all
personnel involved in avionics and weapons system evaluation and
testing, in the air and on the ground. Whether you are training pilots
and personnel or actually planning to test systems, this book will
provide you with the fundamentals and practical information you need to
get the job done. The book is a compilation of experiences and methods
from over 25 years in the business and interaction with Test Pilots and
Test Engineers over the last 15 years as an Instructor/Director at the
National Test Pilot School in Mojave, California. The book was also
reviewed by a dozen voluntary experts from the military and industry to
ensure all critical components are covered properly. Their comments and
suggestions were integrated into the text toward the goal of creating
this invaluable textbook and companion to the fighter or heavy aircraft
test team, no matter their geographical location. Lessons learned, good
and bad, are addressed in each chapter so readers can avoid the pitfalls
common to test and evaluation of these systems. Exercises at the end of
each chapter provide instructors with the ability to reinforce critical
concepts and all the war stories in the book are true.