In your personal or professional lives you can't hide from
technology...and you shouldn't want to. Technology can and should make
life better, and improve the way we practice law and how we interact
with one another. With a little time and effort, you can master (or at
least harness) the power of technology. Jeffrey Allen and Ashley Hallene
wrote Technology Tips for Seniors, Volume 2.0 to help you do just
This book propels readers beyond the boundaries of the first Technology
Tips for Seniors book. It is designed to walk readers through
technology for the office, the home, and on the road and help you safely
to maximize your time online. This volume even adds a chapter on the
authors' favorite apps, a quick start guide for applications you may
want to incorporate into your use of your tablets, phones, and other
smart devices. Every turn of the page presents a new tip, suggestion, or
product to add to your technology tool kit.
Volume 2.0 does not update or replace the authors' first Technology
Tips for Seniors book. The authors have created a brand-new collection
of tips and suggestions that augments their first Technology Tips for
Seniors book. You don't need to read the first one to understand the
second; but if you do not have the first volume, you will probably want
to get it, as the two together give you even more help and the tips in
the first volume remain valuable today.