write this book aims to give my opinion to predit how future global
computer industry will bring influences to global education reform. I
shall give reasons to explain why US computer industry can not keep the
leadership position as well as I shall explain why China and Taiwan will
be US computer industry major competitors in the future. I shall
indicate what factors will influence computer consumers' laptop
purchases behavior as well as explain whether culture factor can
influence computer consumer choice behavior.
This book also explains why US outsourcing strategy can influence global
wealth inequality to influence economy. Then, the second part explains
why outsouring educational strategy can influence the country's
education development and explains why Asia countries schools will need
more outsouring educational teachers to teach their domestic students to
get more benefits to employ domestic teachers.I shall indicate evidences
to explain why some organizations choose outsourcing strategy is not
right. Consequently, organizations need to analyze their situations
whether are suitable to apply outsourcing strategy to operate their
management, before they decide to make outsourcing strategy. The major
aim is to explain why outsourcing is one main factor influence global
wealth inequality to developing countries.