The title of this book is Techniques in Corporate Manpower Planning:
Methods and Applications. Manpower planning, also called personnel plan-
ning, implies the analysis of possible discrepancies in the future
between personnel demand and supply. Personnel demand will also be
called person- nel requirement; and personnel supply, personnel
availability. The notion of corporate manpower planning refers to the
planning of personnel on the level of an industrial or governmental
organization. As such, it does not stand for manpower planning for
branches of industries or labor market studies of countries or
international communities. One type of manpower planning is the planning
of short-term succes- sions of managers or the assignment planning of
positions for individual employees for the next year. In fact, this type
of short-term manpower plan- ning is always executed, whether formally
or informally, centrally or other- wise. Another type of manpower
planning, however, may be executed to match the requirement for and
availability of personnel for the medium and long term. This type of
manpower planning considers groups of employees rather than individuals.
Our goal is to consider medium- and long-term manpower planning for
groups of employees. We call this the multicategory vii Vlll PREFACE
approach to manpower planning. In our view, this medium-and long-term
personnel planning provides the conditions for individual manpower plan-
ning or for personnel development.