How can you migrate your tried and true face-to-face teaching practices
into an online environment? This is the core question that Scott Warnock
seeks to answer in Teaching Writing Online: How and Why. Warnock
explores how to teach an online (or hybrid) writing course by
emphasizing the importance of using and managing students' written
communications. Grounded in Warnock's years of experience in teaching,
teacher preparation, online learning, and composition scholarship, this
book is designed with usability in mind. Features include how to manage
online conversations, responding to students, organizing course
material, core guidelines for teaching online, and resource chapter and
appendix with sample teaching materials. More than just the latest
trend, online writing instruction offers a way to teach writing that
brings together theoretical approaches and practical applications.
Whether you are new to teaching writing online or are looking for a more
comprehensive approach, this book will provide the ideas and structure
you need.