This worldwide top-selling text on the tactical games approach is
stronger than ever.
The fourth edition of Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills: A Tactical
Games Approach adds four new chapters, more lesson and unit plans, and
more detailed guidance in addressing broad ranges of student abilities
than ever before. It offers the same stellar foundation for
understanding the principles behind the approach, and instruction in
applying the approach, to help students learn the concepts and develop
the skills involved in a variety of sports.
Elementary school teachers will use games to teach the basic concepts
and tactics of invasion sports, net and wall sports, striking and
fielding sports, and target sports. Middle school and high school
instructors will guide students in developing sport-specific technical
skills for 12 sports, including soccer, lacrosse, flag football, tennis,
basketball, and volleyball.
The book has four new chapters that will help you do the following:
- Align the tactical games approach to content standards in the United
States and other countries
- Use technology in tactical games teaching and assessment
- Use the games to teach social justice
- Develop approaches to teaching social and emotional learning (SEL)
through tactical games
Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills offers more than 350 detailed
lesson and unit plans that can be used as is or be easily modified and
incorporated into an existing curriculum. More than 240 diagrams
throughout the lessons make it easy to set up and execute the games.
There are 14 video clips, delivered on HKPropel, that show some
lessons in action--for example, the volleyball segments show complete
question-and-answer sessions, highlighting an effective way to make sure
students are understanding the lesson.
Also available on HKPropel are reproducible forms, including a team
contract, assessments, and game scenario worksheets for tactical problem
solving. (For each thumbnail reproducible worksheet shown in the book,
readers can download the full-size versions from HKPropel.) These
resources will help teachers put concepts from the text into use with
their students.
Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills is organized into three parts:
- Part I offers a thorough understanding of the tactical games
approach--preparing and teaching students, transferring tactical
knowledge, planning the curriculum, assessing learner performance,
using games to teach social justice and to take social emotional
learning into account, and more.
- Part II provides lesson plans for varying levels of
complexity--with modifications and progressions--for invasion games,
net and wall games, striking and fielding games, and target games, all
at the elementary school level. The authors take great care in helping
readers understand how to individualize instruction for novice,
developing, and advanced performers by either reducing or increasing
the challenges involved with the tasks.
- In part III, secondary-level teachers can choose from lesson plans
for various levels of play in 12 sports.
Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills offers expert instruction and an
array of multilevel games that provide an exciting and interactive
environment for learning in all domains. Current and future teachers
will learn how to structure positive and engaging learning experiences
that set the stage for students to improve their performance, develop
problem-solving skills, and enhance their lifelong enjoyment of sport.
Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print