Making small boxes is a favorite project for many woodworkers. While
it may seem a simple process, there are many ways to build a box -- and
in this comprehensive pictorial reference, veteran woodworker Doug
Stowe covers all the techniques you will need to produce boxes youll
be proud of.
Youll learn about making boxes by using traditional carcase joinery or
by shaping on the bandsaw or lathe. Stowe also covers special
boxmaking techniques associated with making lids and bases, attaching
them to the box, and partitioning boxes to hold small objects like
jewelry. Additionally, there are a host of techniques for creating
special effects that decorate a box, turning the small, useful object
into a jewel itself.
This book covers all these methods in a highly visual format that has
become the hallmark of the Complete Illustrated Guide series:
Everything is covered in over 500 step-by-step photos accompanied with
straightforward text.