Sometime spy Evan Tanner has accepted impossible assignments for many
reasons: money, thrills, to have something to occupy his waking hours
(twenty-four of them every day, in fact, since battlefield shrapnel
obliterated his brain's sleep center). But this might be the first time
he's put his life on the line . . . for love.
Tanner's agreed to smuggle a sexy Latvian gymnast--the lost lady love of
a heart-sick friend--out of Russia. With the Cold War at its chilliest
and the Iron Curtain slammed shut, this will not be easy, especially
since everybody in Eastern Europe, it seems, wants to tag along,
including a subversive Slav author and the six-year-old heir to the
nonexistent Lithuanian throne.
But that's not the biggest hurdle. The gymnast refuses to budge unless
Tanner rescues her eleven delightfully limber teammates as well--and
that might be raising the bar too lethally high for even the
ever-resourceful Evan Tanner to clear.