This work advocates the restoration of the North American tallgrass
prairie, which is rapidly disappearing. Historical descriptions of
prairie aesthetics are outlined. As we are experiencing a worldwide
mixing of plant species, prairie restoration is particularly important.
Plants alien to North America do not readily support insect populations,
including all animal species higher on the food chain. Prairie
restoration methods are described for amateurs, academics, and land
managers. Some of the techniques described are growing crops for seed
production, times of seed gathering for specific species, facile seed
processing for amateurs, land preparation, segregation of seed into its
preference for habitat, and required seed treatment for germination.
Over 200 species are described that comprise the predominant species
found in tallgrass prairie nature preserves, as well as degraded
prairies. Some additional plants of especial interest are also
described. The appendix tabulates all likely species found on prairies
regardless of their scarcity. Safe fire management of prairies is
described in detail. Finally, methods of controlling aggressive alien
weeds by herbicides are detailed.