The objective of the book is to provide sufficient background and
understand- ing to enable its readers to design and apply switched
capacitor circuits whether these are to be implemented as discrete
circuits or by MOS technol- ogy. Since this is the first book devoted
entirely to the subject of switched capacitor circuits, it has no
pattern to follow. Fortunately, it was developed in an environment where
many of the circuits and concepts it discusses could actually be
integrated as MOS integrated circuits. It is hoped that this environ-
ment has created a selection process that has enhanced the contents.
Switched capacitor circuits provide an example of the influence that
technol- ogy can have on the field of electrical engineering. Only seven
years ago, the problem of building analog circuits and systems using
standard MOS technology was still unsolved. Although analog circuits and
systems were implemented by means of integrated circuit technology, they
were neither economical nor competitive. The act of combining analog
sampled data tech- niques with MOS technology has solved this
difficulty. As a result, the field of switched capacitor circuits has
developed into maturity in a relatively short period of time.