Swifts live almost entirely in the air. They eat, drink, sleep, mate and
gather their nesting materials on the wing, fly thousands of miles
across the world, navigating their way around storms, never lighting on
tree, cliff or ground, until they return home with the summer.
Sarah Gibson has written a fascinating story of discovery, exploring
what is known about these mysterious birds, their ancient ancestry and
how they have been regarded through history. But the swifts are in real
danger: often unintentionally, we are sealing our homes against wildlife
of any kind. Cracks, gaps and crevices which for thousands of years have
offered nesting space in buildings, are being closed off, while new
housing rarely offers entry holes for nesting birds. Loss of breeding
places is considered to be a significant factor in the steep decline of
these birds over the last twenty years.
Thankfully, there are people in the UK and across Europe striving to
ensure a future for swifts. Their actions and stories are woven into the
narrative, demonstrating how change is brought about by passionate,
determined individuals, whose actions show that everyone can do
something to keep these superb birds screaming through our skies.