Bill Webb shares his secrets of success in this book--so you can win big
with them. Sweet Success in New Home Sales: Selling Strong in Changing
Markets focuses on increasing market share, profit margins, and personal
incomes in lean times. * Builders: Grab this book. Lead your sales team
to capture the sweet profits you deserve. Selling your homes for premium
prices will reward you. * Salespersons: Earn the big bucks you've
always wanted. Show your builder you can really persuade customers to
buy, and you'll be set for life. * Sales Managers: Learn how to build
profit margins and sales velocity at the same time. You'll be a hero in
your company, and your career will soar. * Realtors: Secure an unfair
advantage for yourself. Show builders you sell more homes for higher
prices, and you'll win more listings. "Bill is dead on the money:
Branding works for builders." --Bill Dudley, President, Carolina Model
Home Corporation, Fayetteville, NC, and past president, NAHB's Building
Systems Council "Read this book, and follow Bill's principles. You'll
sell more homes and feel better about how you are doing it." --Jean
Ewell, MIRM, CF. Vatterott Real Estate Company, St. Louis, MO, and 2005
president NAHB's Institute of Residential Marketing "How to lead your
sales team to greatness and personally stay on top of your management
game in the 21st century? Your answers are here." --Bonnie Alfriend,
MIRM, GRI, CRB, Alfriend & Associates, Inc., Pebble Beach, CA Bill has
donated his royalties to the NAHB National Housing Endowment for
construction trades training. Sweet Success in New Home Sales: Bill
Webb, MIRM, on Selling Strong in Changing Markets Kindle Edition is also
available on You can start reading this book immediately on
your iPad, Kindle, or smartphone (iPhone, Blackberry, or Android), or on
your desktop by simply downloading Amazon's Kindle App here.