Aviation represents a small but growing share of global CO2 emissions
(2-3%), and Southeast Asia is where this industry grows the fastest. The
industry targets 50% reduction in net CO2 emission by 2050, and will
need at least 2 million tonnes of biofuel by 2020. The book examines
various pathways from biomass to bio-jetfuel. It assesses potential
ligno-cellulosic biomass and other non-aviation biofuels in Malaysia.
Oil palm, paddy, rubberwood, sugarcane, coconut, and wood feedstocks are
detailed, analysed and quantified. The best feedtsocks for bio-jetfuel
are ranked according to their sustainability. Life Cycle Analysis is
detailed with the case of paddy. Logistics and transportation botlenecks
are discussed, with detailed costs and maps. The socio-political at
Malaysia and international scale are examined in order to put these
results in perspective. References are grouped according to their
geographical relevance: Malaysia, or General. The book has a subject