In this special issue on Sustainability in Combining Career and Care,
eight empirical studies following from an integrative framework address
normative beliefs about parenting, "choices" in combining work and
family, and outcomes for individual careers, couples, and children.
- Offers an integrative framework for understanding and changing the
effects of normative beliefs about parenting on "choices" at the
work-family interface and on outcomes for careers, couple and
- Highlights a wide range of multi-method studies of the work-family
interface from multiple countries.
- Employs a micro-, meso-, and macro-level perspective on creating and
promoting sustainability in combining career and care.
- Sheds a new light on popular misconceptions and stereotype
reproductions in the media about the challenges, choices, and
consequences of combining career and care for working parents.
- Posits an innovative process model for changing normative beliefs
about parenting and career success: The "Triple-N Model" of (1)
Nominating Norms, (2) Navigating Norms (3) and creating New,
No-nonsense Norms.