Student-led peer review can be a powerful learning experience for both
giver and receiver, developing evaluative judgment, critical thinking,
and collaborative skills that are highly transferable across disciplines
and professions. Its success depends on purposeful planning and
scaffolding to promote student ownership of the process. With
intentional and consistent implementation, peer review can engage
students in course content and promote deep learning, while also
increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of faculty assessment.
Based on the authors' extensive experience and research, this book
provides a practical introduction to the key principles, steps, and
strategies to implement student peer review - sometimes referred to as
"peer critique" or "workshopping." It addresses common challenges that
faculty and students encounter. The authors offer an easy-to-follow and
rigorously tested three-part protocol to use before, during, and after a
peer review session, and advice on adapting each step to individual
The process is applicable across all disciplines, content types, and
modalities, face-to-face and online, synchronous and asynchronous.
Instructors can guide students in peer review in one course, across two
or more courses that are team-taught, or across programs or curriculums.
When instructors, students, and university stakeholders create a culture
of peer review, it enhances learning benefits for students and allows
faculty to share pedagogical resources.
This book is intended as a practical guide for instructors to use in
their classrooms but can equally be used in the context of faculty
learning communities, departmental workshops, or in a faculty
development context to promote consistent and wide usage on campus.
Student peer review is a high-impact pedagogy that's easily implemented,
inculcates lifelong learning skills in students, and relieves the
assessment burden on faculty as students collaborate to improve their
own work and develop into self-regulated learners.