A NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics was
held on the Santa Cruz Campus of the University of California, from
August 4 through August 9, 1986. It was attended by 80 participants from
13 countries, 45 of whom were invited speakers. The present volume
contains the texts of the invited talks and many of the contributed
papers. The relative length of each text is roughly proportional to the
length of the workshop presentation. The aim of the workshop was to
bring together leading researchers from a number of related disciplines
in which strong Coulomb interactions play a dominant role. Compared to
the 1977 meeting in Orleans-la-Source, France and the 1982 meeting in
Les-Houches, France, it is apparent that the field of strongly coupled
plasmas has expanded greatly and has become a very significant field of
physics with a wide range of applications. This workshop had a far
greater participation of experimental researchers than did the previous
two, and some confrontations of real experiments with theoretical
calculations occurred. In the two earlier meetings the theoretical
presentations were dominated by numerical simulations of static and
dynamic properties of various strongly coupled plasmas. The dearth of
experiments in the 1970's is now replaced by some very good experimental