Ensemble series provides students (ages 6-11) with a solid foundation in
music theory through the eyes of a violin, viola or cello player.
This series is designed so that they can be used hand in hand with each
other in a beginner ensemble or group lesson.
These interactive books use a variation of different methods
(traditional, Suzuki, Kodaly, orff, etc) which allows the students to
decide which method best suits the lesson. They also contain a
combination of fun, friendly characters (as well as exciting written
exercises) that help and capture the interest of the students to learn
in an enjoyable way.
Level 1 workbook features these concepts and more!
INTRODUCTION - String instruments
NOTATION - Using the open strings as the main reference, all the notes
on the stave and each string, and accidentals
PATTERNS - Fingering of each string
NOTE & REST VALUES - crotchet, minim, dotted minim, semibreve notes,
and rests (stem direction)
TIME SIGNATURE - 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time