Over the past few decades stress is emerging as an increasing problem in
organizations. Stress is vigorous state in which a person is confronted
with an opportunity, demand, or resource related to what the individual
wishes and for which the outcome is perceived to be both vague and
vital. (Selye, 1936) first introduced the idea of stress in to the life
science. He defined stress as the force, pressure, or tension subjected
upon an individual who resists these forces and attempt to uphold its
true state. Basically what is stress? The HSE (Health Safety Executive
UK) defines stress is an undesirable response people have to tremendous
pressures or other types of demands placed upon them. Stress is
inevitable. It affects everyone including bank workers and from all
findings, it is still predominant in the industry. Banks should provide
social and sport facilities for their workers. They should ensure that
they give adequate training on stress and its management to their