The thrifty organization guide that shows you what to keep and what to
Have you ever bought a duplicate of something when you couldn't find the
one you already had at home? Have you ever held on to a brand-new jacket
you know you?ll never wear or found that the magazine subscription you
didn't like was automatically renewed because you forgot to cancel it in
time? Everyone knows that clutter can be unsightly and time-consuming,
but it can also cost you money. Stop Throwing Money Away is the first
guide that shows you how to get organized and save or make money at
the same time. Step by step, room by room, you?ll learn how to reduce,
reuse, recycle, swap, sell, share and more as you streamline your
possessions and your life.
- Explains the secrets of half-and-half organizing, showing you how to
make money by paring what you own by half and plugging cash clutter
traps by shopping at home
- Exposes the four ways our clutter makes us poor and how to change our
habits and behavior
- Written by Jamie Novak, an organizing expert for iVillage and a
regular contributor to Woman's World and Woman's Day. She has
appeared on QVC and HGTV.
If you want a vase for flowers, recycle a glass jar. When you need more
cupboard space, sell those expensive kitchen gadgets you never use.
Whether you?ve got a little clutter or a lot, Stop Throwing Money Away
is packed with indispensable ideas and time-saving tips that will help
you find more money and simplify your life.