This edition contains detailed solutions of selected exercises. Many
readers have requested this, because it makes the book more suitable for
self-study. At the same time new exercises (without solutions) have beed
added. They have all been placed in the end of each chapter, in order to
facilitate the use of this edition together with previous ones. Several
errors have been corrected and formulations have been improved. This has
been made possible by the valuable comments from (in alphabetical order)
Jon Bohlin, Mark Davis, Helge Holden, Patrick Jaillet, Chen Jing,
Natalia Koroleva, MarioLefebvre, Alexander Matasov, Thilo Meyer-Brandis,
Keigo Osawa, Bjørn Thunestvedt, Jan Ubøe and Yngve Williassen. I thank
them all for helping to improve the book. My thanks also go to Dina
Haraldsson, who once again has performed the typing and drawn the ?gures
with great skill. Blindern, September 2002 Bernt Øksendal xv Preface to
Corrected Printing, Fifth Edition The main corrections and improvements
in this corrected printing are from Chapter 12. I have bene?tted from
useful comments from a number of p- ple, including (in alphabetical
order) Fredrik Dahl, Simone Deparis, Ulrich Haussmann, Yaozhong Hu,
Marianne Huebner, Carl Peter Kirkebø, Ni- lay Kolev, Takashi Kumagai,
Shlomo Levental, Geir Magnussen, Anders Øksendal, Jur ] gen Pottho?,
Colin Rowat, Stig Sandnes, Lones Smith, S- suo Taniguchi and Bjørn
Thunestvedt. I want to thank them all for helping me making the book
better. I also want to thank Dina Haraldsson for pro?cient typing.