Previous studies of nineteenth-century Egypt have often been premature
in identifying the existence of an independent nation state. In a way
which will permanently affect our view of Egyptian history, this book
argues that in the mid-nineteenth-century period Egypt was still an
Ottoman province, with a provincial Ottoman elite which was only
gradually becoming Egyptian. Part one discusses the creation of a
dynastic order in Egypt, especially under Abbas Pasa (1848-1854), and
the formation of an Ottoman-Egyptian ruling class. Part two deals with
the non-elite groups, the vast majority of Egypt's population. A final
chapter offers a convincing picture of the social and cultural life of
the period in a way which has never before been attempted in a Middle
East context. The author's valuable knowledge of Ottoman and Arabic as
well as European documents and his use of a wide variety of sources,
including police and court records, chronicles and travel literature,
have enabled him to make an important contribution to a neglected period
of Egyptian history and indeed to our understanding of other provinces
and dependencies in the region.